Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Colbert Goes to Washington

Stephen Colbert from comedy centrals the “Colbert Report” was invited to speak in front of Congress on the issue of migrant farm workers. His Q&A was full of sarcastic comedy, but was very truthful in nature.  Much of the debate was about how many Americans are unwilling to do this work. Its counter argument was that it is taking jobs away from the hard working American people, but when  “United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez, whose group over the summer launched "Take Our Jobs," a campaign that challenged U.S. citizens to replace immigrants in farm work. The group, which says only seven citizens or legal residents have taken it up on the offer.”  (Alan Silverleib) The article is substantial in the fact that it holds much truth about a high profile subject in our country. Americans as a whole are lazy when it comes to doing manual labor. Like businesses outsourcing labor to factories in other countries, Americans have allowed for in country hard labor to be outsourced to people who will do it cheaper for the provider. America has always gotten immigrants to work the jobs that were hard labor under the fantasy of the “Great American Dream”. Nothing has changed just updated itself.  (Article from CNN)